Thursday, August 5, 2010

Drive Greener!

Now that you have taken the first major step towards being a more green American by purchasing a green vehicle like the Ford Fusion Hybrid from a Ford Dealer Los Angeles, you can do a bit more by improving the way you drive your vehicle.  There is always more we can do to reduce our emissions, and when you were smart and took advantage of the Ford Incentives in buying your new car, it would have been helpful had the manufacturers included tips on even further reducing your carbon footprint.  One thing you can do is try to find a carpool in your area to take advantage of.  Parking in the metropolis areas near Arizona VW Dealers can be a big and expensive hassle, so try and find a corporate vanpool option.  Just recently the Environmental Protection Agency as well as the Department of Transportation have started offering incentives to businesses and corporations who establish carpool programs.  Some companies are offering extra time off from work, the option to dress in casual clothes, monthly drawings for prizes, and other great ideas to encourage employees to participate in carpool programs. 

Other things you can do include altering your parking habits.  During those hot summer months it is best for you to try to find a parking spot in the shade.  Not only will the shade help preserve your vehicle's interior, it will also reduce the evaporation of fuel from your gas tank.  Also, your interior temperature will be cooler so ideally you will not have to use your air conditioning as much when you get back in your car.  If you have a garage at your house, you really should park in it.  Think of how important it was for you to purchase a house with a garage and how much that garage amenity increased your mortgage payment.  Now if you are like many Americans, your garage is full of junk you need to store in the attic or haul away to the Goodwill.  If you look at it like you are paying a portion of your mortgage to store junk you haven't gotten around to getting rid of, I bet you will clean it out so you can actually park your vehicle inside; where it belongs! 

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